After one year of research & development PEGASE systems launched its innovative maritime surveillance system Orca based on web technology. This new e-VTS solution is being deployed in the Sète Pilot Station. Thanks to its multi sensor interface (AIS, RADAR, environmental sensor, CCTVs…) the system provides a real time maritime situation for ship traffic and surveillance.
This unique modular design makes Orca the most progressive system that perfectly fits to Sète pilots functional requirements:
- Low bandwidth Consumption and Internet Connectivity Infrastructure allowing an operational real time remote piloting;
- Multi-criteria Guard Zone sending warning text messages in hazardous situation;
- Multi-operator web architecture enabling information sharing (e-navigation);
- Ergonomic graphical user interface based on international standards;
- User-friendly and clear display which is built as a suite of complementary and interconnected modules;
- Based on off-the-shelf PC and hardware equipments.
Orca system is distributed in Australia exclusively by AIS (Applied-Infrared Sensing).
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